< The service is only available on PC >
Please download “Downloader.exe” and save it in C:\ Microtek . When done, start the installment process.
When the installment is complete, please enter your product’s serial number. After entering the serial number, click “Search” button next. The system will start to search the required programs to be installed automatically.
All the programswhich have to be installed will be displayed in a highlighted column below. Click “Download” to start the downloading process.
The program marked in blue displays that it is downloading. The Status bar at bottom shows how it is going.
The downloaded programs will be saved in C:/Microtek.
Please execute all the downloaded programs. When they are done, they should look like the picture below.
< The service is only available on PC >
Please download “Downloader.exe” and save it in C:\ Microtek . When done, start the installment process.
When the installment is complete, please enter your product’s serial number. After entering the serial number, click “Search” button next. The system will start to search the required programs to be installed automatically.
All the programswhich have to be installed will be displayed in a highlighted column below. Click “Download” to start the downloading process.
The program marked in blue displays that it is downloading. The Status bar at bottom shows how it is going.
The downloaded programs will be saved in C:/Microtek.
Please execute all the downloaded programs. When they are done, they should look like the picture below.